Education and Purpose 2

  • A book which change my dream and career into something , I didn't even dare to think about that in my past.  In my past I alwalys use to laugh on someone who said to me about joining in teacher training. At those period there was teacher training program instead of B.Ed.
  •             The time changes everything(myself and my career). It was so terrible of me for a few years" I didn't even believe or respect the teaching profession too". My children and continuous new reading from book exhibitions and lots of reading of environmental issue books, became an eye-opener for me to had a great thought on teaching professions and the good teachers.
           I always had complaints about my school education, especially when comes to learning of                     science. I peculiarly felt every time while unable to understands even a simple concept in science.            Especially in physics like "I supposed to have my basic education at least in Tamil, my mother                 tongue may create some understanding capacity in my Iq." Those days of confusion, lacking and             anxiety makes me decide to educate my child in a mother tongue-based education setup and                     school and also, try to approach blamable system of public schools from the nearby area where             our house located.
            Why we point the fingers from outside the compound?


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