Education and purpose 3

The discovery of my life’s purpose is to read a lot and to think about education and education methodologies. More than any of that “need for philosophical thoughts and implementing agenda is very important too”.

I prefer to research on education should undergo through;

Ø  Philosophies of education and its need.

Ø  Mother tongue-based education at the primary level.

Ø  Comparing state board syllabus and the central board of syllabus in every subject at the primary level and first and second language and social science subject contents.

Ø  Spiritual awakening in education.

The questions and their answers:-


             Wherever and whatever the place or the situation it should lead with certain principles and ideologies of one’s own or propaganda by others as philosophies. Education is a part of life, there is no doubt, must following certain principles also called philosophies in acquiring knowledge and implementing that in life.

As a learner once I was not aware of those philosophies or ideologies. I also believe education is compulsory but not in the aspect of how I am understanding now. After attaining a certain age, maturity in development helps me to understand the compulsory education’s benefit and purposes. Especially during the internship period in B.Ed the second-year program, I went to a nearby girl's government higher secondary school.

That internship arouses so many questions inside me and mends my thoughts towards the real education field and its purposes. Treating with respect and earning that back is hard and impossible every time inside and outside the classroom is a very first important lesson, I learned from that environment.The acceptance of educating the environment by them and using till the advantageous core of all benefits of education seems really a creative dream not much possible to come true.  At first, it was shocking and turns into a bitter truth but accepted those things during the forthcoming days of the internship period with the guilty and hesitation an unbearable one.

                The shocking and bitter truth which also questions their (learners) previous years of education and acquisition of its benefits.

“What stays in their mind and heart?

What were the actual things and thoughts they learned from those years?”

The unanswerable questions were floating in and out of myself and that particular environment started as an outstanding burden for whole life as a teacher/future teacher.

Is this education fulfills the purpose of education as a reliable one in teaching love, kindness, courtesy, empathy, and needed tolerance and also questioning the same. Why! the education and its system implied the issues and problems as complaints of students rather than mutual consents and a friendly approach. Even though whatever the syllabus is, the curriculum is, or books are. The tactics, strategy and the agenda are moreover the same for ages and centuries. The actual upgrading is needed on teachers and the prejudicial approaches towards students and the content of the subjects.

Grading and marking approaches cannot be changed at all even though its design of drawing columns for that changed too. As already said prejudicial objective approach of grading differs from nothing of previous partial strategies of allocating marks for the same content with a different judgment about learners and their history in that environment.

Why am I telling all those, what is the comparison or relationship with philosophies and the above-mentioned thoughts?

 Yes, there is relevance in that. A concerned philosophies and ideologies help teachers and the schools to be working on that. It is not very simple or easy to point out the "going to following philosophies.". The schools or teachers who are ready to create and developing the thoughts of philosophies make a difference from common ones. But the selected ideologies play an important role in reflecting developing thoughts of the minds of organization, or authority, or power, or teachers, or society. That is the second most concern problem and turned out into a foremost concerning problem for the future of learners and society.

There the prior aroused questions tell us a clear solution of accepting ideologies that help and guides the children to create a peaceful life, sustainable living, and self-independent growth for the development of the whole society. Here self-independent is not meant to being selfish, but reliable on oneself and helping others to believe in themselves and accepting them to be reliable for others too, but for whole independence of nature, society and others.

As I said already, the adoptable principles show the structure, strategies, tactics, and approach of the schools. Like Gandhian, or Tagorian, or Jiddu Krishnamurthi, or Pestalozzi, or Comenius, etc. According to the understandability and acceptability of view on educating.


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